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Voice services

Voice Service atau layanan suara adalah suatu keharusan bagi bisnis manapun, mulai dari telepon yang ada di meja Anda hingga kantor dinamis yang Anda inginkan. Kemampuan untuk menjangkau pelanggan dan mitra kapan saja dan melakukan komunikasi yang efektif, akan menjadi hal yang sangat penting bagi bisnis Anda.

SoftNET menghadirkan layanan suara generasi terbaru yang dapat diintegrasikan ke dalam sistem bisnis yang ada dan sangat handal. Dengan fitur-fitur yang kaya akan produktifitas, kami memberikan pengalaman yang tinggi bagi setiap pelanggan. Optimalisasikan platform komunikasi Anda dengan layanan SoftNET VoIP.

Mengapa perusahaan memilih VoIP?

SIP trunking

SIP trunking

SIP Trunking (Session Initiation Protocol) is a flexible IP telephony service that simplifies IT operations. It enables cost savings (up to 40% compared to traditional phone services) and no more headaches of managing multiple PRIs and networks. 

IP centrex

IP centrex

IP Centrex is a great voice solution with significantly lower capital investments costs. It allows customers to have and use features that are typically associated with a PBX without the purchase of PBX switching systems. IP Centrex is fast being recognised as a flexible and cost-efficient alternative to maintaining an onsite PBX. It brings benefits such as direct integration, scalability, risk reduction and more.

On site IP-PBX

On site IP-PBX

On site IP-PBX is an excellent solution, that supports all functionalities of classic telephony and offers much more. It significantly cuts telephony costs, especially to those companies, who have offices in different countries (there is no costs with communication between offices in SoftNET network, besides other international calls are lower up to 50%).

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